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Gyroscope Controlled Car

I created a Gyroscope Controlled Car using two Arduino Nanos, two nrf24l01 antennas, a mpu6050 gyroscope, an l298n motor driver, and two motors and wheels. During this project, I learned many new things. I learned about how to use wireless communication through nrf24l01 antennas. I learned how to access the data from the mpu6050 gyroscope. I learned how to drive motors using the l298n motor driver and an Arduino. I also learned how to hook up multiple power sources to a circuit with an l298n motor driver and an Arduino using solder and heat shrink tubing. I also ran into some obstacles. I first tried using some online source code for this type of project, but it was faulty, so I decided to create my own code. To do this, I needed to learn how to program each component and figure out what libraries to use. I wrote my own code that sent the data from the gyroscope through the antenna. I then programmed the antenna to receive the data and use it in a script to determine what directions the motors should spin.

©2022 by Taren Patel.

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